Can you keep up with your inner voice? How often is it positive? How often is it negative? Is it toward yourself or whoever you are talking with? Gil and Brenda have a lively conversation… (maybe their inner voices are the ones that are speaking!) about this age-old challenge.
How often are we so caught up in listening to our inner voice, we totally miss the person right in front of us? We are all guilty of that at some level. And that will affect our relationships. Between neuro pathways in your brain, our ability to get sucked into the inner voice, and the lack of self-regulation…well that is a recipe for disaster!
Today’s conversation will bring you insight and awareness of what’s really going on, and how you can improve your self-talk.
Action steps:
1. Be aware of your inner voice. Slow Down. Ask yourself out loud, is this true of myself? Is this true of the other person? The key is to PAUSE
2. Take a risk. At that moment when you are aware of your inner voice, be vulnerable and share it with whoever you’re talking with. Let them know…here’s what’s going on in my head. My emotions could run away with that. But although I am feeling this way, my judgment may be incorrect it’s not honoring to you. This is a step of being an advocate to you and our relationship, to listen and not stay in my head. But go to YOUR heart and hear your emotions, feelings, and perspective without judgment.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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