Listen in to Gil and Brenda for some refreshing conversation about your relationship. They’ll offer you tips that come from their experience of working with couples like you, and practical tools you can use right now. And the “Tingles” will tickle your emotional funny bone.
Relationship & Marriage Podcast
S2 Episode 12 MARRIAGE Hide and Seek Series #4 Vulnerability is a strength!
This is the fourth podcast in a series of 4. Topics in the series: Identity, Connection, Trust and Vulnerability. Each build on each other yet they stand alone too! May your relationship be challenged, and love and growth happen as you are encouraged!
“Being vulnerable in a relationship means allowing your partner to know you fully: your thoughts, feelings, challenges, weaknesses. It can be scary to show those sides to our partners out of fear of being judged.” … “This is how true intimacy is achieved. We are known, accepted, supported and loved.”
This is an important topic for Gil and Brenda. Although vulnerability often is interpreted as being weak, quite the opposite is true. It takes courage to be vulnerable. Couples who are vulnerable have a deeper level of intimacy and have a feeling of peace, confidence and safety in their relationship. Learn some new ways to be vulnerable in your relationship!
Action steps
1. If you got burned by being vulnerable, what would it take to try again?
2. By sharing your thoughts, feelings, challenges, and weaknesses how will that strengthen your relationship?
3. If vulnerability takes courage, what is one simple step you can take to me courageous for the sake of your relationship?
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 11 MARRIAGE Hide and Seek Series #3 Got Trust? You are valued and Loved
This is the third podcast in a series of 4. Topics in the series: Identity, Connection, Trust and Vulnerability. Each build on each other yet they stand alone too! May your relationship be challenged, and love and growth happen as you are encouraged!
Because of your family of origin, past relationships, or just life, your level of trust can be deflated. Violation of trust can lead to pain and confusion. Gil and Brenda talk about the importance of trust in a relationship. If damaged, how do you repair it? What are the two outcomes of trustworthiness? Couples who have high trust in their relationship can make choices, are valued and feel loved.
Action Steps
1.How can you create a high trust environment in your relationship?
2. Ask for what you want (without demanding) being assertive and humble.
3. If trust has been violated have a conversation about the roots of that violation. Is the past affecting the present? Gently ask, why they don’t feel safe.
(put on the glasses of curiosity, not judgement, blame or defense…listen!)
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 10 MARRIAGE Hide and Seek Series #2 Connection: How Do I Improve it?
This is the second podcast in a series of 4. Topics in the series: Identity, Connection, Trust and Vulnerability. Each build on each other yet they stand alone too! May your relationship be challenged, and love and growth happen as you are encouraged!
Connection vs Disconnection. This happens all the time in our relationships. Sometimes we don’t even notice. We all want connection but how do we get it? Gil and Brenda share the depths of what dis-connection looks like and what a couple does when they are experiencing connection. Being approachable, available and accessible is the foundation of a good connection. Get ready to use your hands as Gil demonstrates this subject in a way you’ll never forget!
Action steps:
1. Make a list: How do you feel when you are disconnected from your spouse?
2. Make a list: How do you feel when you are connected with your spouse?
3. Have this conversation with your spouse: (reminder: put on the glasses of curiosity. Do not go into judgement, blame or shame. You are honestly
asking so you BOTH can improve your relationship!)
How can I be more connected, what do I need to change/adjust?
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
#gilandbrenda #tipstoolsandtingles
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S2 Episode 9 MARRIAGE Hide and Seek #1 Identity: Do I belong? Am I loved?
This is the first podcast in a series of 4. Topics in the series: Identity, Connection, Trust and Vulnerability. Each build on each other yet they stand alone too! May your relationship be challenged, and love and growth happen as you are encouraged!
Two questions everyone asks in a marriage/relationship: Do I belong? Am I loved? Wow, deep questions. Gil and Brenda tackle these with specific ways to find the answers for yourself! It starts with you! How can you expect your spouse to meet your needs in these areas if you’re not sure of them yourself? This will be a great conversation for you to have together to deepen your relationship. Put your glasses of curiosity on (not judgement/defensiveness or blaming) and watch what happens!
Resources mentioned:
As always, there are action steps for you to take:
1. Do a checklist for yourself. What do you need to know that you belong and are loved?
2. Share it with your spouse
3. Affirm and acknowledge each other’s good points, especially when they make an effort to show you what you need!
Gil and Brenda Stuart are a Husband/ Wife team who are Marriage Illustrators. As a Counselor and Coach they work with couples from all over the world!
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S2 Episode 8 STEPFAMILY Gil and Brenda are interviewed by Ron Deal from Family Life Blended
Are you looking for support for the unique dynamics and challenges that stepfamily life brings? Have you wondered where you can go to get help? Then this episode is for you! Ron Deal talks with Gil and Brenda on how to find a church that will support you as a stepcouple, how to know if you need counseling and where to go, and what to do if not everyone is willing to go. It might be as simple as attending a small group at your church with other couples on a similar journey. But you must commit to go! Listen in as Ron talks with Gil and Brenda about the value of finding the right support for your stepfamily and your part in making it happen.
· Learn more and register for the Summit on Stepfamily Ministry.
· How to Find a Competent Christian Stepfamily Therapist.
· Trusted Counselor List
· Encouragement for the couples in a stepfamily.
· Building Love Together in Blended Families by Dr. Gary Chapman and Ron Deal.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
#gilandbrenda #tipstoolsandtingles
#conflictresolution #gilandbrenda #marriagehelp #marriage #investinyourmarriage #remarriagehelp
#friendshipinmarriage #marriagecounselor #marriagecoach #husbandandwifeteam #RestoredandRemarried #remarried #remarriage #stepfamily #stepmom #stepdad #stepmother #stepfather #stepparent #stepparenting #stepchild #blendedfamily #marriagehelp #conflictresolution #parenting #remarriagehelp #stepfamilyhelp #blendedfamilyhelp #remarriageadvice #marriagepodcast #stepfamilypodcast #blendedfamilypodcast #remarriagepodcast
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