Unsung Heroes
Unsung Hero’s (UH) is intended to encourage and inspire men who are dads in stepfamilies.
Disrespected by step kids? On the receiving end of frustrations from your wife over loyalty to your own kids? Not sure how to manage emotional outbursts in your stepfamily? The UH video series is for you! We suggest you share the series with your wife. She may not have a clue what you are dealing with. You may be uncertain on how to bring it up without having a fight! Let us help you!
UH videos are short and to the point (no longer than 20 minutes.) We identify common problems and offer solutions.
Practical feedback is shared by a veteran stepdad who is still learning yet willing to share his experience. A panel of stepdads were interviewed to provide a wider perspective.
Because of Gil’s Scottish roots, you will hear bagpipes throughout the series! Each episode has been filmed out and about – not in a “green screen” environment… that would be fake and boring! Gil is shooting guns, playing golf, at the ocean, hiking and other locations to keep things interesting! So, purchase your Unsung Hero’s video series today and get started on a new way to impact your stepfamily! Purchase here
Restored & Remarried
We have specific social channels for Restored and Remarried experiences, follow us to be frequently updated with latest news and sharings!
20 Things You Need to Know About Stepfamilies Schedule a seminar Find a seminar
Restored and Remarried was birthed out of our stepfamily and remarriage experience. As we began to navigate the treacherous waters of remarriage and blended family life, we went looking for resources and found very few. So, we began writing down ideas and ways to communicate. We even created catchwords around key concepts that helped. They were so beneficial to us, that we shared them with others on the blended family journey. The conflict was reduced, communication was improved, and the joy of a healthy marriage was experienced. These marriages/families were having success too! We were hearing, “Finally, some concrete tools we can use now that is effective!” And we were encouraged to share on a larger scale.
That is where our seminar, Restored and Remarried, started. We are very real and to the point, as we present our seminar. Honestly, we don’t have time to mess around. Our family’s legacy is at stake. There is no way we would ever want to take our kids through another train wreck (divorce).
Issues from the past impacted our present, which created conflict. We discovered how to reframe the walls of conflict. Sharing with couples how to build a wall that they can come behind as a team is a game-changer. The wall protects rather than divides. Protection from what? In a stepfamily/remarriage, it can look like: the stepkids, the ex, the job, finances, health, parenting plan, etc.
Then we realized not everyone could make it to one of our seminars, or they may be a little “shy” to attend. So, we packaged our seminar into a book of the same name. The book contains a lot of what we share in the seminar and more. We asked each of our kids to contribute to the book. “What would you say to a newly remarried couple about how to have a great stepfamily?” was the question we wanted them to answer. Boy did they. We didn’t edit anything even the &*$% words (well, some of them). We added a DVD and Leaders Guide for our 8-session small group material because we realize the importance of walking through the blended family adventure with the community around you. The workbook has thought-provoking questions that can be used between husband and wife too.
We want to encourage your marriage and blended family. With trust and honesty at the core, you can have an incredible marriage, far beyond your expectations!

Authors, Speakers, Podcasters, YouTubers, co-founders of Restored and Remarried and GilandBrenda.com, world travelers, and coffee drinkers.
Marriage is marriage, but remarriage has different wrinkles…72 to be exact.
R & R Book and Workbook

Let Restored and Remarried, the book, be an encouragement to you! Inspired by our seminar, this book handles real-life stepfamily situations. Is it hard? You bet. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Can your marriage thrive amidst the stepfamily adventure? Let us help you have a marriage that is not just good, but great! We actually asked our kids to share some of their experiences through their stepfamily journey. Their comments are pretty real…We kept the language they used… (yes we did put in a few *%#@ to keep it authentic. PG13.)
Have you ever had a situation related to your remarriage and stepfamily that you just can’t find words to describe? As a response, we created practical tools. It was a way to express what was going on inside as we encountered the new marriage, step kids, financial stresses, and even sexual issues. Sharing these terms with you is rather personal as it’s a language of our own. We encourage you to create a language of your own too.
View sample: Excerpt from Chapter 4, “I Didn’t See This Coming”
Order BookWorkbook

Your relationship faces many unique challenges. You’ll find this 8-week workbook practical, inspiring and a great resource for your stepfamily adventure.
Your struggles are directly addressed with content centering on the issues presented in the seminar and the Restored and Remarried book. In a small group setting, you’ll have a guide as you dialogue with others around the terms and concepts related to remarriage and stepfamily life. This guide can also be used for “just the two of you.”
The Remarried/ Stepfamily couple faces many unique challenges. We think that you’ll find the workbook applicable, encouraging and a source of reflection even if you have not attended the seminar.
Restored and Remarried, the book and workbook can be purchased at the seminar or online.
Order Workbook
R&R Small Group DVD

This 8 session Small Group DVD can be used in a variety of environments. Because each video session is between 5-10 minutes long, you can customize and plan your time to meet your needs, adding a welcome, discussion and prayer.
Sunday School: You can even spend 2 weeks on each session to give yourself more time for conversation.
Weekly: Ideally 1.5 – 2 hours is best so conversations are not rushed.
Twice a month
Once a month
Sessions Include:
- Leaders Intro Video
- Community
- Restored Foundations
- Cornerstone of Commitment
- “I Didn’t Think It Was Going To Be Like This”
- “I Didn’t See This Coming”
- Those People (Part 1)
- Those People (Part 2)
- Sex and Money: Don’t Fight Naked
Restored & Remarried book and Workbook are the companion resources needed as part of the DVD curriculum
Order DVD Order DownloadR&R Leader’s Guide

Would you like to start a Small Group in your community? The Restored & Remarried Leader’s Guide will help you facilitate and encourage any crowd. Simple to follow, this resource will make the guiding of your group easy! When using the Restored & Remarried book, Workbook, and DVD, this Leader’s Guide will help you navigate the important points of your time together.
“A Heart is a terrible thing to break. It can be prevented. Gil and Brenda Stuart open their lives, share their story, identify with your challenges and provide essential help to remarried people or those considering remarriage. This book is like sitting with a mentor couple who will give you transparency, experience and practical advice to succeed in marriage and family under tough circumstances. Protect your children, your partner and your heart. Put this book’s reality-based advice into practice.”
Jeff Kemp – Family Life Advocate
“With the right answers to the right questions stepfamilies can beat the odds of distress and divorce. Gil and Brenda have the right answers. Their practical material and honest presentations will bring a blessing to your life. Come hear what they have to say!”
Ron L. Deal – Director, Blended Family Ministries, Family Life
“If you’re looking for some marriage mentoring from a couple who is a living lesson on successfully navigating a second marriage and blending a family, you’ve got to get acquainted with the ministry of Gil and Brenda Stuart. They are passionate about helping others who are journeying the same road.”
Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott
Founders of RealRelationships.com and Authors of Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts