Listen in to Gil and Brenda for some refreshing conversation about your relationship. They’ll offer you tips that come from their experience of working with couples like you, and practical tools you can use right now. And the “Tingles” will tickle your emotional funny bone.
Relationship & Marriage Podcast
S2 Episode 17 MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP Touch Points
What are the top 2 killers in marriage?
Drift and Apathy.
How you watch TV may directly impact this! Gil and Brenda share 12 ways (you can come up with more) how couples can have “touch point’s” in their relationship. It’s in the things that we do every day. We miss the opportunity to connect…which launches us right toward the killers in marriage. Believe it or not, even sharing a laugh can be a touch point…a connection. It’s in the sinews (the little touch points) that muscles (your marriage) gets stronger. We don’t need to make this more complicated!
It’s the little things that make a marriage and it’s the little things that destroy it.
ACTION STEPS: 1.Listen to this podcast together.
2. Which ideas did you resonate with?
3. What kind of touch points could you add?
4. Be intentional and do them!
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S2 Episode 16 STEPFAMILY (all kids) Rocks in the Bucket
Gil and Brenda share a concept they have been sharing in their presentations for years. “Rocks in the Bucket” helps give your kids a voice. When done correctly, you empower your children to tell you the truth of how they are feeling. The system is built on you honoring them as they try to honor you with something hard to say. It’s a win/win.
We all carry around an invisible bucket; it represents our well being. Family members, friends, coworkers can all put rocks in our buckets….and we can put rocks in their buckets! This is an easy way to share this with someone when rocks start flying!
1. Find a metal bucket and 3 rocks.
2. Demonstrate (as we did) how this works.
3. Ask them what they think? Talk about examples where they have felt rocks in their bucket.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 15 STEPDADS Stepdad to Stepdad Pt 2
This is part 2 of an interview with Gil Stuart. There isn’t a lot of information for stepdads out there. The content of this interview has been on Gil’s heart for over 18 years. As Brenda interviews Gil, listen in as 6 top questions are asked…3 in part 1 and the remaining 3 in part 2.
1. What is a relational safety zone?
2. It’s ok to love your mom.
3. A rock and a hard spot; You between your wife and your kids.
Although this conversation is directed to stepdads, their wives will benefit from this too. Gil shares feelings and thoughts that many men wish they could tell their wives.
Guys: Have an honest conversation with your wife about these topics. Which do you resonate with more…and why?
Gals: Be quiet and listen. Do not interrupt… and listen. Do not be judgmental. Be loving. You are holding your husband’s heart. Be gentle. Put on the glasses of curiosity.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 14 STEPDADS Stepdad to Stepdad Part 1
There isn’t a lot of information for stepdads out there. The content of this interview has been on Gil’s heart for over 18 years. As Brenda interviews Gil, listen in as 6 top questions are asked…3 are in this Part 1.
1. How to contend with the infamous “you’re not my dad!”
2. What is reverse betrayal?
3. Stepdads who demand too much too soon.
Although this conversation is directed to stepdads, their wives will benefit from this too. Gil shares feelings and thoughts that many men wish they could tell their wives.
Guys: Have an honest conversation with your wife about these topics. Which do you resonate with…and why?
Gals: Be quiet and listen. Do not interrupt… and listen. Do not be judgmental. Be loving. You are holding your husband’s heart. Be gentle. Put on the glasses of curiosity.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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#friendshipinmarriage #marriagecounselor #marriagecoach #husbandandwifeteam #RestoredandRemarried #remarried #remarriage #stepfamily #stepmom #stepdad #stepmother #stepfather #stepparent #stepparenting #stepchild #blendedfamily #marriagehelp #conflictresolution #parenting #remarriagehelp #stepfamilyhelp #blendedfamilyhelp #remarriageadvice #marriagepodcast #stepfamilypodcast #blendedfamilypodcast #remarriagepodcast
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S2 Episode 13 MARRIAGE The Husk of the Heart: What Are You Looking For?
A heart with a hard husk views the world with a negative sentiment. Gil and Brenda talk about breaking down the husk and how it affects our relationships: marriage, friends, coworkers, etc.
Positive or Negative: What lens do we look at our spouse through? If it’s been negative, how do we change it? How does that soften our own heart when we do that? Be aware. Be intentional.
What do you think? We’d like to hear from you!
Action Steps:
1. Look for ways your spouse/friend/whoever does or says something positive
2. When having a bad day, ask them for a word of encouragement (put pride a side)
3. Reciprocate and exchange encouraging words/acts.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
#gilandbrenda #tipstoolsandtingles
#conflictresolution #marriagehelp #marriage #investinyourmarriage #remarriagehelp #friendshipinmarriage #marriagecounselor #marriagecoach #husbandandwifeteam
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