Listen in to Gil and Brenda for some refreshing conversation about your relationship. They’ll offer you tips that come from their experience of working with couples like you, and practical tools you can use right now. And the “Tingles” will tickle your emotional funny bone.
Relationship & Marriage Podcast
Episode 8 STEPFAMILY Gil and Brenda are interviewed by Ron Deal from Family Life Blended
Are you looking for support for the unique dynamics and challenges that stepfamily life brings? Have you wondered where you can go to get help? Then this episode is for you! Ron Deal talks with Gil and Brenda on how to find a church that will support you as a stepcouple, how to know if you need counseling and where to go, and what to do if not everyone is willing to go. It might be as simple as attending a small group at your church with other couples on a similar journey. But you must commit to go! Listen in as Ron talks with Gil and Brenda about the value of finding the right support for your stepfamily and your part in making it happen.
· Learn more and register for the Summit on Stepfamily Ministry.
· How to Find a Competent Christian Stepfamily Therapist.
· Trusted Counselor List
· Encouragement for the couples in a stepfamily.
· Building Love Together in Blended Families by Dr. Gary Chapman and Ron Deal.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 7 STEPFAMILY Interview Craig & Gina Morgan, Blended Together
S2 Episode 7 STEPFAMILY Interview Craig & Gina Morgan, Blended Together
Another powerful conversation about how to strengthen and protect your marriage and stepfamily. Gil and Brenda interview Craig & Gina Morgan with Blended Together. Married 24 years, they are out of the Dallas, TX area, and share an excerpt from their latest resource, Building Blocks for Making the Family Whole Again. Referencing the wall that Nehemiah built, brings rich nuggets of how we are rebuilding our family. Prayer, time, and having others to help is so important because the opposition will come!Part of the conversation is about how men and women have shared experiences can reveal underlying hurts in a stepfamily. It’s just always nice to hear like-minded people having a raw conversation and encouraging each other! Enjoy!
Action Steps:
1. If your wall is to protect your marriage, what shape is it in?
2. How can you strengthen it?
3. Gil and Brenda have referenced the wall, representing your great marriage. You may have heard this before, but this is a great time to check in with each other again.
· Identify what comes against our wall (from the attacks coming from the outside: ex’s, kids, finances, stepkids)
· How are we striving for a great marriage? (not just a good marriage)
· This is what I can do to invest more in our marriage ________.
· What is our vision for our marriage and family? Where are we going?
Craig & Gina Morgan
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Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 7 STEPFAMILY Interview Craig & Gina Morgan, Blended Together
S2 Episode 7 STEPFAMILY Interview Craig & Gina Morgan, Blended Together
Another powerful conversation about how to strengthen and protect your marriage and stepfamily. Gil and Brenda interview Craig & Gina Morgan with Blended Together. Married 24 years, they are out of the Dallas, TX area, and share an excerpt from their latest resource, Building Blocks for Making the Family Whole Again. Referencing the wall that Nehemiah built, brings rich nuggets of how we are rebuilding our family. Prayer, time, and having others to help is so important because the opposition will come! Part of the conversation is about how men and women have shared experiences can reveal underlying hurts in a stepfamily. It’s just always nice to hear like-minded people having a raw conversation and encouraging each other! Enjoy!
Action Steps:
1. If your wall is to protect your marriage, what shape is it in?
2. How can you strengthen it?
3. Gil and Brenda have referenced the wall, representing your great marriage. You may have heard this before, but this is a great time to check in with each other again. (Season 1 Episode 1 The Wall podcast)
· Identify what comes against our wall (from the attacks coming from the outside: ex’s, kids, finances, stepkids)
· How are we striving for a great marriage? (not just a good marriage)
· This is what I can do to invest more in our marriage ________.
· What is our vision for our marriage and family? Where are we going?
Craig & Gina Morgan
Facebook Blended Together Forever
Instagram Blended Together Forever
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 6 MARRIAGE Are You Married and Lonely?
Most people think that when they get married, they won’t be lonely again. Feeling lonely and isolated in a marriage is becoming more common than you may realize. Gil and Brenda have talked with several people that are feeling this way. Do you know someone who is lonely in their marriage? Is it you?
Loneliness affects not only our mental health but our physical health too. It depresses our immune system and increases inflammatory responses. We are at risk for depression and anxiety and distorted perceptions of life.
The realities of being lonely in a marriage can be very heavy and sometimes dark. Gil and Brenda will define this journey and as always, offer ways to find hope again.
Resource: LOVE MAPS
Reference: Drift Happens Season 1 Episode 47
Action Steps:
1. Take the initiative.
a. If you’re lonely, chances are your partner is too.
b. Do you know their Love Languages? Sometimes just reaching out and touching their hand speaks volumes (if their Love Language is physical Touch.)
c. Try to initiate conversations that are not about transactional details. Ask them for their views about something they care about and make sure to demonstrate that you are listening.
Don’t expect them to reciprocate right away, as habits take time to change, but after a few gestures of goodwill, they will likely return the favor.
2. Create shared experiences.
If your spouse is in the other room watching their favorite show, sit next to them (at the start of the show) and say, “You love this show so much I want to give it a try.” They may be confused, suspicious, or both, but just be sincere and try to see the show through their eyes, even if it’s not your thing. After the show, tell them what you appreciated about it – even if it was terrible, find something! That is connection.
3. Practice taking their perspective.
· Don’t commit “assumicide” (don’t assume!)
· Practice empathy
· Perspective taking will build intimacy and increase connection.
The steps of building intimacy are:
- Genuinely seek to know one another
- To reveal (which is risky) that what was shared and is important to you. If you don’t show you don’t care, that will destroy connection.
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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S2 Episode 5 MARRIAGE First Responders & Law Enforcement
What can those couples who are in Law Enforcement and First Responders do to protect their marriage and family? What can we (those of us who are not in those fields) do to support them? Gil and Brenda interview a couple, who have been living this journey for over 20 years, 10 of those years on a SWAT team. Gabe and Stacey are very candid about the hardships and realities and the toll it can take on a marriage. They share practical advice to help strengthen a marriage and family who is affected by these professions.
A few takeaways:
To those who are First Responders & in Law Enforcement:
1. Work to understand and educate yourself on the job. Be aware of the biological impacts that affect both physiological and social health – these will indeed impact your family as well.
2. Each person should work to define themselves individually and define their family-outside of the “first responder” identity. Your work should not be your identity.
3. Cultivate friendships outside of the workplace.
4. Faith and family must come before work and hobbies.
5. Surround yourself with pro-marriage and pro-family activities/thoughts
To those who are not in this profession:
1.Make an effort to really reach out to these marriages/families
2. Be flexible with scheduling with activities
3. Include them in normal, fun activities
4. Pray for them!
Book Resource: Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin, Ph.D
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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