This is the fourth podcast in a series of 4. Topics in the series: Identity, Connection, Trust and Vulnerability. Each build on each other yet they stand alone too! May your relationship be challenged, and love and growth happen as you are encouraged!
“Being vulnerable in a relationship means allowing your partner to know you fully: your thoughts, feelings, challenges, weaknesses. It can be scary to show those sides to our partners out of fear of being judged.” … “This is how true intimacy is achieved. We are known, accepted, supported and loved.”
This is an important topic for Gil and Brenda. Although vulnerability often is interpreted as being weak, quite the opposite is true. It takes courage to be vulnerable. Couples who are vulnerable have a deeper level of intimacy and have a feeling of peace, confidence and safety in their relationship. Learn some new ways to be vulnerable in your relationship!
Action steps
1. If you got burned by being vulnerable, what would it take to try again?
2. By sharing your thoughts, feelings, challenges, and weaknesses how will that strengthen your relationship?
3. If vulnerability takes courage, what is one simple step you can take to me courageous for the sake of your relationship?
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
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