Listen in to Gil and Brenda for some refreshing conversation about your relationship. They’ll offer you tips that come from their experience of working with couples like you, and practical tools you can use right now. And the “Tingles” will tickle your emotional funny bone.
Relationship & Marriage Podcast
S2 Episode 28 ALL Options and Choices
The motivation for this topic comes from Gil and Brenda’s clients. Many of them feel stuck in life like they feel like they have no options or choices. The Stuarts break down the differences between options and choices, which leads to actions. And that can change your life!
Listen for the action steps at the end and then apply them.
Contact Gil and Brenda and let them know how the choices you have made have positively impacted your life! [email protected]
S2 Episode 27 PARENTING Floor Time
Have you ever wondered what your child is thinking? How can I “get in their head” (especially teenagers!)?
Join Gil and Brenda as they introduce a concept that helped them through those years…called Floor Time.
Having a safe place to talk for you AND your kids is so important now-a-days. The parents set the tone for Floor Time (which Gil and Brenda will give you pointers) so that the experience is fruitful. This is not a time for judgment or disagreements. It’s all about being curious.
They will share 7 tips to help you navigate Floor Time so it will be a success for everyone involved!
Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers
#gilandbrenda #tipstoolsandtingles
#parenting #parent #parentingpodcast #talkingwithteenagers #talkingwithkids #conflictresolution #marriagehelp #marriage #investinyourmarriage #remarriagehelp #friendshipinmarriage #marriagecounselor #marriagecoach #husbandandwifeteam #RestoredandRemarried #remarried #remarriage #stepfamily #stepmom #stepdad #stepmother #stepfather #stepparent #stepparenting #stepchild #blendedfamily #marriagehelp #conflictresolution #parenting #remarriagehelp #stepfamilyhelp #blendedfamilyhelp #remarriageadvice #marriagepodcast #stepfamilypodcast #blendedfamilypodcast #remarriagepodcast
S2 Episode 26 STEPFAMILY Interview with In The Blend, Australia
Wonderful interview with Laura Jenkins, founder of In The Blend. She is encouraging stepfamilies who live in Australia…and beyond!
We never know where the conversation will go! We always know we’ll have fun!
Check out more podcasts from Laura at
Here are her show notes:
Gil and Brenda, a husband and wife duo, share their journey into counseling and coaching for blended families, discussing their personal experiences and the challenges they’ve faced. They emphasize the importance of the couple relationship and provide insights into the differences in parenting styles and communication within blended families. They also discuss the upcoming Better Marriages Australia Conference and the key themes they address in their presentations.
#gilandbrenda #restoredandremarried #intheblend #laurajenkins #stepfamily #stepmom #stepmum #stepdad #stepfamilyaustralia #stepfather #blendedfamily #bonuskids #bonusmom #bonusmum #bonusdad
S2 Episode 25 STEPDADS Interview with Mike from Blended Family Breakthrough
Being a man in a stepfamily is no easy task. Grab some ideas/concepts/tools that you can put to work right away!
S2 Episode 24 Stepchildren and Marriage How to Build Trust an Interview with Ron Deal at Family Life
Blended family life doesn’t often start with every relationship in harmony. But it’s not unusual to develop it along the way. Ron Deal speaks with Gil and Brenda Stuart about how disappointment and confusion eventually morphed into redemption and joy. Celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary with a vow renewal was an amazing experience. Another way to celebrate our family!
#tipstoolstingles #gilandbrenda
#conflictresolution #marriagehelp #marriage #investinyourmarriage #remarriagehelp
#friendshipinmarriage #marriagecounselor #marriagecoach #husbandandwifeteam
#RestoredandRemarried #remarried #remarriage #stepfamily #stepmom #stepdad #stepmother #stepfather #stepparent #stepparenting #stepchild #blendedfamily #marriagehelp #conflictresolution #parenting #remarriagehelp #stepfamilyhelp #blendedfamilyhelp #remarriageadvice #marriagepodcast #stepfamilypodcast #blendedfamilypodcast #remarriagepodcast