
Inspirational Writings

Grab a beverage and sit with Gil and Brenda for a moment. As they share from their experience, their blogs will give you inspiration and insight on how to strengthen your marriage and family.

Husbands Love Your Wives …

May 22, 2016
Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church and GAVE himself for her. “How do I do that?” many guys ask.  I go to work, I come home, I spend time with the kids, I keep the cars in...
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Christmas in April?

Apr 22, 2016
I was cleaning out a closet in my office the other day. I found one of “those stacks.” You know the one. You keep a stack of stuff, usually paperwork, with the best intentions to get back to it. As...
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Holidays. Stepfamilies. Lower Expectations.

Dec 16, 2015
That’s all I have to say….about stepfamilies and the holidays. No, really, this is the way to handle the holidays if you are in a stepfamily. After almost 13 years of being in my stepfamily, I still fall prey to...
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Are You Saying These 10 Things To Your Step Child?

Nov 27, 2015
(especially during the Holidays!) What is your relationship like with your stepchild/children? I know it can depend on the day, if the moon and the stars are in harmony or whether hormones are raging. Am I referring to your day,...
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