Listen in to Gil and Brenda for some refreshing conversation about your relationship. They’ll offer you tips that come from their experience of working with couples like you, and practical tools you can use right now. And the “Tingles” will tickle your emotional funny bone.
Relationship & Marriage Podcast
S1 Episode 25 STRESS 5 Steps to De-Stress!
We can all relate to having stress in our life, right? Some seasons carry more than others. Gil and Brenda share 3 ways stress (cortisol) is released into your body and how you can help get rid of it! The first thing is knowing what stresses you have! Identifying it/them is the first step. Listen in as Gil and Brenda share 4 more ways to de-stress! You’ll feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually. And your friends and family will thank you too!
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S1 Episode 24 STEPMOM’S Interview with Emily Jordan Founder of FB Joyful Christian Stepmom
S1 Episode 24 STEPMOM’S Interview with Emily Jordan
S1 Episode 24 STEPMOM’S Interview with Emily Jordan
S1 Episode 24 STEPMOM’S Interview with Emily Jordan
S1 Episode 23 MILITARY Stepfamilies
Everyone will get something out of this interview!!
Stepfamily life is hard enough. Then add in the military component and that is a stress multiplier for sure. Gil and Brenda interview Todd and Tammy Gangle who have 6 kids in their stepfamily. Todd was an Air Force Chaplain He shares about the 3 D’s in a military stepfamily. We only had time to scratch the service here. We’re hoping to do more interviews to share information specifically for military stepfamilies, Have something to share/ Please contact us:[email protected]
Todd and Tammy are working with Family Life to help military stepfamilies. His contact info is [email protected] or 256.665.4232.
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S1 Episode 22 MARRIAGE 10 Steps for Resolving Conflict
Conflict. Boy, this is a biggie when it comes to relationships. Don’t you wish you could have a plan in place, so when conflict comes (because it always will), you know what to do? Gil and Brenda will share 10 steps to help resolve any conflict you have. Tone and body language play into this too. Couples get that “ah ha” moment when they work these steps! Be one of those couples
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